I have had a very productive week. It started out about one week ago and hasn't stopped yet. First I wanted to share these photos. When I walked Mona out the other night I was greeted by a beautiful sight. The Angel Winged Begonia is Blooming. Yea! The backside of the leaves are this beautiful red color. I don't go out front at night very often so this was a nice surprise.


Last Sat. I had an open house work day at my house for anyone who wanted to come and make cards, scrapbook or alter paper. Mona came Sat. night and worked for a couple of hours but the rest of the weekend I had the space all to myself. I got a lot done. I stretched several canvases and gessoed them. I stretched canvas, muslin and burlap onto embroderie hoops. I painted a lot of paper.

This is a piece of pressboard I found out in the shed. I put a coat of white paint on it and the washed on some colors. I have some ideas for this. I have to get some of these other projects finished up before I start any new ones. Famous last words.

Since I was dying cheesecloth I decided to try tye dyeing a piece of muslin.

This is what the dining room table looked like for three days. I'm so lucky I have a very supportive and understanding husband.

I tried this new technique using Heat & Bond and paper towels. It works really well. The orange piece is the Heat & Bond on the bottom (I'm using acrylics to decorate it at this point) and the top piece is the piece of paper that I had under the paper towel when I painted it. The last photo is the beginning of a project. The top of the piece is made by fusing the Angela Fibers together and adding a painted feather. I can't wait to see how this turns out.

I tried the inkblot technique. It's pretty cool. They look like butterflies. I think I'll decorate them , cut them out and pin them to a lampshade.


This is a pirce of canvas that I laid under the piece of mulberry paper that I painted. Below that is a piece of paper that I laid cheesecloth out to dry on.

The Med. size Blue piece is almost finished. I just need to attach a few more things.

This is going to be wonderful. I woke up in the middle of the night one night last week and this was in my head. I don't know what I saw that triggered this quest for Vintage Images but you know with me it just opened up a whole new thing. I love it. I have so much fun. Anyway that night I got up and dug out my books on Erte and as I lay there looking at his fantastic pen & ink designs I came up with this idea. I still have to finish adding more embelishments but this is what I've done so far. This is a 12"X12" piece of textured background paper. The circle is a piece of marbeled paper that I bought at Art Ellis.(one of my favorite stores) I printed this drawing by Erte onto 5 different background papers & then cut them out and aranged them on the background and inked the doodles around the outside of the circle. I made the top and right side border pieces from alcohol inked scotch tape. I also added some ribbon and rick rack, some beadwork and pieces of Basic Gray paper. I got busy with something else and havent gone back to this to finish it. Maybe in the next day or two. 

At the end of my last post I said that I was going to sit down and put together 4 pieces using one group of papers. Well here are the base pieces and a close up of the paper journal page. Maybe I can finish these up over the weekend. I love this paper.

This is Logans Page. I'm entering it in a Man Page competition for Serindipity Web site. I'll have to see what happens.

This is a finished piece made with Angelina Fibers and Textiva as well as beads and things. This piece is 5"X12".

Okay, I love these and I have a ton of ideas in my head for more of these. I can't wait. These are 7"X7" paper plate pallets.

I found some wonderful vintage images (semi nudes and dancers from the early 1900's) a couple of days ago. They are going to be great when I use them on my paper plate pallets and paper that I painted last night. I printed the images on vellum and then I will iron them onto the paper and add all the embelishments.